AI technology has really been presenting us with some amazing new tools to use over this past year and Life from XLN Audio is the latest intriguing offering to be released. Drop audio into the Life desktop app either from existing audio and video files or by using the accompanying Field Recorder on your phone, then randomly generate beats using AI powered technology. Tweak the beat with onboard editing and effects. This allows you create something totally unique and relevant to the piece that you’re working on, or you can use a generated beat as inspiration for a new project. Finished beats can be dragged into your DAW timeline or exported as stems.

We’re loving how simple this new app is to use and will be playing with it more over the coming week. Full review coming soon.

Life can be downloaded via the XLN Online Installer and the Field Recorder can be found for free in your phone app store, available for both iOS and Android.

Pick up a license for XLN Audio Life here:

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